Latest Past Events

OKC: Filmography – “Worm”

21c Museum Hotel 900 N Main St, Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Art goes to the movies with 21c Oklahoma City’s Filmography, a free monthly film series at 21c Oklahoma City in partnership with deadCenter Film and the OKC Film Society. Filmography takes place on the third Friday of each month. In December, join us for a screening of "Worm," the story of a man wanted for a double homicide in the small town of Guthrie, OK. Jason “Worm” Truitt has a young daughter that he loves dearly – and a beautiful girlfriend that he feels is out of his league. Worm is always doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, taking odd jobs for shady men, and even breaking the law from time to time. He is constantly tailed by the local Sheriff, and constantly berated by his own Father and friends. The film plays out as a Southern Neo-Noir of sorts. A modern day “whodunit” tale told using a chest-mounted Snorricam. The audience journeys with Worm as he tries to clear his name and make safe the ones he loves. Along the way, he is entangled in a small town crime syndicate and nearly loses the people that mean the most to him. Did he commit this heinous crime? […]


Animaniacs Live! OKC

The Tower Theatre 425 NW 23rd St,, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The Animaniacs Live! featuring voice actor Rob Paulsen and Emmy Award-winning composer Randy Rogel comes to OKC at The Tower Theater.

$45 – $50